Nurse Announcements



It is a good habit to check your children regularly for lice.  Watch for frequent scratching of the scalp, brown or white eggs (nits) on the hair shaft that may look like dandruff but are not easily brushed away, and live lice which are brown and move very quickly.  Encourage your child not to share combs, brushes, hair decorations or hats.  If you think someone in your family has head lice, it's best to check everyone in the family and notify friends or relatives who may have been in contact as well.  Please contact the campus nurse with any questions, or if you have treated your child for head lice. 


We encourage all students to have an extra set of clothing. Every student, even the older ones, should have a change of clothes (including socks and underwear) stored in their backpack. Spills and mishaps can happen anytime. Please be sure your student is dressed properly for the weather and activities (ex. tennis shoes for PE) This prevents the parent from being called to the school for a change of clothes.